2. “嗨!关掉电源。我们需要它!制作一个6英寸的外壳需要5克煤。“者”所说的“浪费电力”是指浪费煤炭 高清作品[95%]

Hi! Switch off the power. We need it! It takes 5 cwts of coal to make one 6 inch shell. <em>Waste</em>d power means <em>waste</em>d coal-

图片文件尺寸 : 2287 x 3446px


Hi! Switch off the power. We need it! It takes 5 cwts of coal to make one 6 inch shell. Wasted power means wasted coal--Anonymous


4. Barney Bubbles(科林·富尔彻饰),Stiff Records,伦敦。Ian Dury和Blockheads 7的徽标单个真是浪费。1978 高清作品[87%]

Barney Bubbles (Colin Fulcher), Stiff Records, London. Logo for Ian Dury and the Blockheads 7 single What a <em>Waste</em>. 1978- 7 1/8 x 7 1/8 (18.1 x 18.1 cm)

Barney Bubbles (Colin Fulcher), Stiff Records, London. Logo for Ian Dury and the Blockheads 7 single What a Waste. 1978

Barney Bubbles(科林·富尔彻饰),Stiff Records,伦敦。Ian Dury和Blockheads 7单曲What a Waste的标志。1978-

下载Barney Bubbles(科林·富尔彻饰),Stiff Records,伦敦。Ian Dury和Blockheads 7的徽标单个真是浪费。1978大图